woensdag 15 juni 2022

New diorama by Any Blunder for Lady H.


No words, just enjoy the beauty... ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ˜Žโค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ”ฅ

If you would like to see more of his awesomeness, please visit our previous article or follow Any Blunder on his YouTube channel. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ”ฅ

zondag 12 juni 2022

Esci 200 - British Soldiers

Intel/Research for personal use.





Italeri 6056


Original Artwork by Giuseppe Rava. 


Tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog vormde het Britse leger in totaal 43 infanteriedivisies. Bij het begin van de oorlog telde de staf van de divisie ongeveer 13.800 officieren en soldaten, terwijl dit aantal in 1944 toenam tot ongeveer 18.300 mensen. Deze significante verandering in het aantal werknemers was voornamelijk het gevolg van de toename van verschillende soorten ondersteunende eenheden, en niet van de toename van het aantal infanteristen zelf. In 1944 bestond de Britse infanteriedivisie uit drie infanteriebrigades, elk met een eigen hoofdkwartier, een stafpeloton, 3 infanteriebataljons en technische divisies. Het is vermeldenswaard dat een enkel infanteriebataljon ongeveer 780 officieren en soldaten telde en talrijke ondersteunende eenheden had (bijvoorbeeld een mortierpeloton of een verkenningspeloton). De divisie omvatte ook een de facto artilleriebrigade met vijf artillerieregimenten (waaronder een anti-tank en een AA), een bataljon machinegeweren en mortieren, evenals verkennings-, communicatie- en sapper-eenheden. Een belangrijk element dat de mobiliteit van de Britse infanteriedivisie vergroot, was de volledige motorisering. Het primaire geweer van de Britse infanterist was het Lee Enfield No.1 of No.4 geweer. Als machinegeweren werden onder meer Sten-machinepistolen, Bren-handmachinegeweren en Vickers-machinegeweren gebruikt. De meest gebruikte antitankwapens waren de 40 en 57 mm 2- en 6-ponder kanonnen, en later ook de 76 mm 17-ponder kanonnen. Op zijn beurt was de belangrijkste bewapening van de veldartillerie een zeer succesvolle houwitser Ordnance QF 25-ponder.



For the first set in their range Esci chose to portray British infantry, and established the formula that they were to stick to throughout their production, and which became a benchmark for the rest of the industry. Thus we get 50 figures in 15 poses with excellent detail and a high standard of sculpting.

Most of the poses were to be seen in all of their World War II sets, with a few becoming trademarks of Esci. The man using his rifle as a club, whilst not a common action in that war, was to appear again in other sets. Perhaps the most familiar Esci pose is the 'helping-a-fallen-comrade' pair, which is a nice idea and has been very well realised. Some of the other poses are a little less well presented, with the man throwing a grenade looking particularly awkward. The man firing the heavy machine gun is all wrong as he should be sitting behind his weapon, looking along the barrel. We also worried about the first figure in the top row, who is in grave danger of hitting his helmet on the pickaxe that is so prominent at his right shoulder.

All the figures are wearing standard British battledress as introduced before the war, and the familiar pre-Mark III helmet. This applies to the officer as well, which is a more likely form of dress at the front than the peaked cap seen in some sets. Both uniform and webbing have been well represented, with plenty of clear detail. All the figures have the two-part entrenching tool, which was introduced in 1941.

Most of the men carry rifles, though there are also machine guns on show. Two figures are holding the Thompson submachine gun, which while certainly used in the British army was too expensive to be very widely used and we would have preferred to see more Sten guns instead. The heavier machine gun is the well-liked .303 Vickers Medium, and the prone men are carrying a Bren gun (automatic rifle) and using a PIAT. The PIAT (Projector, Infantry, Anti-Tank) was a very effective anti-tank weapon that could also be very useful against static targets like bunkers, but it was difficult to use. It is accurately modelled here except for the glaring error that the PIAT had a monopod support, and not the bipod used here. Also, the man assigned to use it would have been issued a revolver, but this man has none on show.

As we have said, detail is very good and clear, and for the most part accuracy is also good. The Vickers team and the radioman do not have bases and, although they do stand as they are, they are pretty unstable and we find it annoying that bases have been omitted for no good reason. Remarkably this Esci set is of exactly the same standard as those produced at the end of production; a good start for a good range.

Esci History Video

A short video on the history of Esci.

My Paints

The following are pictures of my paints. Different brands, several colours, sorting it out as we go...







Amsterdam Universal



zaterdag 11 juni 2022

The History of the Plastic Toy Soldier

Our Favorite Toys - Discovery Channel 1997. Narrated by Daniel Stern.

woensdag 8 juni 2022

3 New 1/72 WWII sets from Mars!!! ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ”ฅ

Although I am 45 years old ad I have a (imho) pretty impressive army of plastic 1/72 soldiers, I am quite new to the game when it comes to current developments. But now that I am digging into the old brands like Matchbox, ESCI, Airfix and Revell I stumble across new information day after day. Quite an adventure!

I noticed that "new" brands like the Zvezda and Italeri are on the shelves now here in The Netherlands, and the oldskoolers Revell and Airfix join their Ranks. But online there's a complete additional world for this subculture. And in this part of this universe there is Mars Figures. I found out about this brand via Plastic Soldier Review

Yesterday I went to a local store to buy some new Zvezda tanks for my RISK game I am building, and I asked about this Mars brand. The shop owner knew about the brand, but had not seen it for years. He was able to order some sets though, so we agreed to stay in contact about that. 

But today I read the News section of Plastic Soldier Review and it stated that last month Mars released 3 new sets off WWII figures!!!
  • 72127 British Commonwealth
  • 72128 German Panzerjagers
  • 72129 Soviet Border Guards

I immediately called the store, but he was not able to order these sets yet, sadly. So I started to search for information online. I will share with you what info and images I found, and cut out close ups of the figures for each set, both unpainted and "painted". That way we can zoom in a little better on these awesome new minature figures from Mars! And it might come in handy if you I ever want to paint these figures in the future. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Hopefully the sets will be available in a box, because that is a thing I like about the hobby as well, the box art. Untill now I only found a seller on eBay that ships the sets without a box... So I will wait untill the box will be available and I will update this article when I find a source...

For more Mars 1/72 sets check:

For now, enjoy the info and images of the 3 new Mars WWII sets! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

72127 British Commonwealth

I found the following info and images on 1-72depot.com.

"British Commonwealth Troops WWII

Unpainted plastic soldiers in 1/72 scale depicting โ€œBritish Commonwealthโ€œ soldiers during WWII, a generic title which could mean lot of different things, but looking at the appearance of the figures they mostly can be Canadian troops or British troops around Normandy disembark time.

Box contains 40 figures in 8 different poses, a single sprue x 4. Includes one PIAT team."

They link to this this E-bay seller, price is around 12,-- US Dollar, without shipping from Ukraine. When purchasing multiple items, shipping can be combined. 

Figure by figure - Unpainted & "Painted" 
